There’s More Money than Ever
The music industry made record profits last year. There’s more money than ever in music you just have to work harder to get it. I feel like the old models were unsustainable and were bound to fail eventually.
Welcome to reality!
People ain’t buying your CDs? Sell vinyl and cassettes to niche markets.
Streaming doesn’t pay? but have you actually accumulated a million streams? Do you have a YouTube channel generating ad revenue? Are you pushing clothing and other merch? Are you consistently performing shows on a monthly basis minimum? Are you actively pursuing other markets outside your region?
Do you spend 2 hours a day on social media networking and making connections? If not then stop complaining, and start hustling!
Indiy exists to help people create great music!
We want to hear about what you do, what makes you special and share it with the world!
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Did you know 40 thousand songs are uploaded to Spotify every day!
If you are working on new material, we have partnered with Audio Mastering to offer mastering on your next release from just £2 per song (approx $2.75 USD) 😮
Check the offer out here