11 Side hustles for musicians


Let’s face it, as an independent musician, achieving sufficient, steady and reliable income has always been a challenge. It's no wonder you may have considered side hustles for musicians.

Did you know earning a significant income from your music is doable!

Some artists opt to get side hustles to sharpen their skills and gain experience as they build their music careers.

Side hustles for musicians

The good news is, there are many ways in today’s music business that musicians can earn money... even from home!

So, let's take a closer look at some of the top side hustles for musicians:

1) Online Music Lessons

Classic but gold. Many musicians teach private or group lessons during the week. But did you know there are just as many opportunities for teaching at the weekend? This is perfect if you have a day job. Because it leaves your evenings free, and it can be an excellent way to supplement your income.

Giving music lessons online can also be an instant moneymaker from home. People are always looking to learn an instrument. You can host lessons via platforms such as Skype, Zoom, or any other platform that has a live video feature. The best thing about this is that you can host a lesson for multiple students at the same time.

2) Producing Beats

Easy. A straightforward method of monetizing your passion. Create beats and sell them online. It helps to spread the voice of your work. Reach more people and open a lot of doors to potential artists you can collaborate with and tour with.

3) Get serious about YouTube

There's no need to explain this one! But it’s not only a way to generate additional income, it can also expands your brand. This is one of the side hustles for musicians that compounds over time. The key to creating content for YouTube is consistency. You want to put out at least one video per week. You can create covers, demos, lyric videos, music videos, interviews + more. The list is endless. This side hustle can be very rewarding. It can make you more popular, more trusted and has many other benefits.

You also need to learn the basics of the platform and take some of the more technical steps. You can see these detailed by Maddy from Burstimo here

4) Freelancing

Freelancing is a side hustle that just about anyone can do. You might be surprised by how many musicians are freelancers! What's great about this gig is it doesn't matter the type of skill set you have. As long as you have something to offer, then there will be someone out there willing to pay for it. Knowledge and skill have a monetary value!

The best thing about freelancing as a musician is its flexibility in your schedule. When getting started making music full-time reelancing is an intelligent route to follow. Start conveniently making money off music before you dive in 100%.

See how Indiy can help with your music side hustle here

5) Write for Music Blogs

Again, in today’s world of DIY musicians, you acquire an endless amount of music business skills. Usually, artists are their own first manager, booking agent, publicist, label, etc. The longer you have been doing it, the more you have learned in these categories. Share this with the world!

You can also use it to connect and promote your peers, always building a network of value!

We have an article here that shows you how to start a music blog for free

You can even write for Indiy here

6) Distribute your music online

You've probably noticed that many musicians are starting to make some money by selling their music on iTunes. You can also generate revenue from Spotify and other streaming services. There's a ton of money in it! if you own your music rights! You might not be the next Taylor Swift or Bieber yet! But you can still make a nice chunk of change by selling music online.

7) Think Business

And speaking of making money from music, have you ever thought about creating music for commercials? Sometimes known as jingles. Businesses need background music all the time and they're willing to pay good money for it.

8) Play local shows

This one is a no-brainer, especially if you're looking for something to do on the weekends. You've probably noticed that most restaurants and cafes will have music playing in the background. These is usually loops or small snippets of songs from YouTube or Spotify. But did you know many places are willing to hire musicians to play their own music in their establishments?

Reach out and make it happen! If you cant get a booking, why not start your own show?

9) Repair instruments

If you've got any musical instrument repair skills, why not use this to make some extra money? So if you can fix a guitar or saxophone that's been broken for years. This just might be the perfect side hustle. It doesn't matter what type of musical instrument you have experience with. There's almost always someone out there who needs help.

10) Resell unused instruments

This one's a bit different because it doesn't have anything to do with being a musician. But if you've got instruments sitting around that you're not using, then why not sell them for some extra cash? It never hurts to ask. There are always buyers out there.

Or you can take some of this GaryVee flipping energy and go instrument hunting!

11) Podcasting

Last but not least, have you ever thought about starting a podcast? Podcasts are all the rage these days and there are some really big names out there who've made their careers by just talking on podcasts. As long as you're willing to invest in the equipment, software and time - then this could be your chance!

Side hustles for musicians - Wrap up

Your passion and goals in music can influence your entire life. To sum up, if you are a casual musician, your selection of music side hustles is unlimited; in fact, music is like your part-time career. I assume that if you are reading this article you are serious about music as your primary career. Therefore I want to let you know 40,000 songs are uploaded to just Spotify every day. This means you can stake your claim in this new music industry revolution.

What are you waiting for? Get started with your side hustle - the time is now!!


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Sam is a member of the Indiy community engagement team. He has a passion for helping up and coming musicians.

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